Blog articles
All about annual accounts
What exactly do annual accounts mean and what should you disclose in the annual accounts? Read more about it here.
All about annual accounts
What exactly do annual accounts mean and what should you disclose in the annual accounts? Read more about it here.
All about annual accounts
What exactly do annual accounts mean and what should you disclose in the annual accounts? Read more about it here.
All articles
Dissolving a sole proprietorship in the Netherlands: how does it work?
Dissolving a sole proprietorship in the Netherlands requires some important tax and legal steps. Read more about it here.
Taxes for a limited liability company (bv) in the Netherlands
A limited liability company (bv) in the Netherlands pays various taxes. In this article, we explain which taxes apply to a bv.
Incorporating bv (Dutch Limited) with retroactive effect
You have two options for setting up a BV with retroactive effect: 'noisy' and 'noiseless'. Read more about them here.